
Welcome to the COMN 107 Media Writing I Blog!

On Monday, November 23rd, we will have an introductory session on how to set up and use a blog. We will be covering the following:

1. Introduction to blogs and blogging:
What is a blog?
Why is it important to know?

2. Create a blog using Blogger
Visit http://www.blogger.com and create account

3. Set up a template

4.Post an entry to your own blog

5.Add a hyperlink to your blog

6.Insert a picture into your blog

7.Add gadgets to your blog (Twitter, RSS feeds, etc.)

8.Go to class blog at http://comn107mediawriting1.blogspot.com and post an entry that consists of a hyperlink to your blog.

9.View a classmate’s blog

10.Post comments to classmates’ blogs

11.Use Bloglines (RSS reader) to keep track of your classmates’ blogs
Visit http://www.bloglines.com and create your own account

12.Add one of your classmate’s blogs to your Bloglines account.

1 comment:

  1. Blogs offer a great opportunity to journalists to offer their unedited opinions.
